Slightly longer subtitle
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Good Work Design

Good Work Design creates healthful, engaging, and productive work. It requires astute leadership; learning about the human tasks, equipment, environment, work systems, and governance; identifying what supports and sustains good work; understanding what impedes performance and the warning signs (knowing when things go “wrong” and what you might notice when this happens!); determining the opportunities and consequences of work; and designing for the best possible working conditions.
Welcome to ViVA’s Good Work Design experience.
To learn more about how Good Work Design can be achieved, navigate the design corridors, and enter the rooms of discovery, design, and realisation to understand what might be done to design work for productivity, health, and well-being. These provide a snapshot of the visionary, human-centred practices of work design. A work design process is iterative, back & forth, with some steps repeated or revisited at different stages because discovery and learning is continual. Sometimes there are roadblocks, and more discovery methods must be undertaken. Even after realising the design strategy, communicating it, and celebrating the innovation, improvement might be possible. There may be new solutions to the constraints and trade-offs that were made because of new technology or ideas brought forth by other people and knowledge-sharing from other industries. Always look for new opportunities!
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You might occasionally hit a Road Block.

Work design is iterative – it can go back & forth with refinements, testing, and trials, while users and designers learn about the application and effects of the work change. Sometimes, a road block is encountered, often because human-user needs were not considered in their entirety which leads to more discovery.
You have now completed a Good Work Design sojourn. By navigating each room of this Good Work Design experience, you have learned about the processes of discovery, design, and realisation of good work! In so doing, you are one step closer to designing work that is meaningful, comprehensible, and manageable for workers so that they can construct their health and enjoy well-being while working with you. Please invite others to share in this experience so that they, too, can be inspired and contribute to the design of good work.
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