07 3040 5790     info@vivahealthgroup.com.au
We bring a scientific, results-driven approach to solve real-world challenges. When you want award-winning design, we're there. We facilitate discovery, design, and realisation of new and improved work systems, strategies, products, technology, and environments.
We bring a scientific, results-driven approach to solve real-world challenges. When you want award-winning design, we're there. We facilitate discovery, design, and realisation of new and improved work systems, strategies, products, technology, and environments.
We bring a scientific, results-driven approach to solve real-world challenges. When you want award-winning design, we're there. We facilitate discovery, design, and realisation of new and improved work systems, strategies, products, technology, and environments.
We bring a scientific, results-driven approach to solve real-world challenges. When you want award-winning design, we're there. We facilitate discovery, design, and realisation of new and improved work systems, strategies, products, technology, and environments.
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Design work in which you thrive
Female ergonomist in a hard hat interviewing a construction worker

ViVA health at work are visionary architects of transformative work design solutions. We solve complex real-world challenges involving people, process, and use of space through the discipline of human factors design research and practice. Our focus is on how you work best: what you do, how, why, where, and how could it work better?  

We help corporates and communities articulate design opportunities, craft their problem-based design statements, and manage transformation with the introduction of new technologies, new environments, or systems changes. We are here to help when you ask: ‘How to design when humans are part of the system (work, product, technology, environment, or ecosystem), and what is the user experience? What if we did things a little differently? What can we dream that can become our new reality?’

When you want usability, productivity, engagement, health, and safety, this is what we do. Our focus is on the human element, performance, and the design strategy. We advance design literacy, capability, and capacity through consultancy, teaching, coaching, research, and digital technologies. We are specialists in human factors, ergonomics, human-centred design, good work design, human systems integration, and organisational transformation.

Good Work Design Experience

Good Work occurs by design – a systematic approach to enquire, engage, and connect with people to understand what they do, how they do it, what resources are needed, in which environments, with whom, and how it could be done better. Design is a way of thinking and effective design strategy co-creates a better world.  

Learn more through our Good Work Design experience.

ViVA design services

The ViVA services consider the human element in the design strategy: live, work, play, and be well by design


I THINK, therefore I am. I FEEL, therefore I must be (adpated, R. Descartes).

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Work-from-anywhere. When the OFFICE is a moving target.

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The CAPACITY to learn is a gift, the ABILITY to learn is a skill, the MOTIVATION to learn is a choice (adapted, B. Herbert).

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Human-Centred Design

Human-centred design explains the realities of work, product use, or relationships with the environment: Can people engage, play, and will they stay? 

We ask: Are jobs designed so that they are meaningful, the workload manageable, and the work system reliable? Will production remain high? Is the environment conducive to work? Do products make sense to users? Do people feel included in the design strategy? Do the work activities align with company values?

We bring a scientific, results-driven approach to solve real-world problems

We study people, culture, customs, habits, activities, environments, tools, equipment, and work climate. We synthesise complex research and combine this with real-world evidence: observing and engaging people at work or play. We collaborate through design to resolve work, environment, and product challenges and create new opportunities.

We help create novel, award-winning, agile design. This allows businesses to continually address market realities and live their values, like health and sustainability.

Our approaches draw from physical, cognitive, psychological, neuro, engineering, systems, and organisational sciences to design for performance.

Who we are

ViVA health at work are human-centred design strategists, facilitators, educators/trainers, and research partners. We problem-solve work, environment, and product design challenges by considering the human element. 

Since 2005, we have helped businesses and designers realise opportunities, enhance usability and performance, and construct health and wellbeing. We support a range of industries, including mining, construction, transportation, agriculture, utilities, manufacturing, distribution centres and supply chains, retail, finance, technology, healthcare, education, customer service, and architecture & design.

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Cups Of Coffee

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Good Work Design Precepts

Three fundamental precepts of Good Work Design:

1. Design can shape the distinctive motivators and drivers of human behaviour.

2. Work is a social determinant of health, safety, wellbeing, and prosperity. As such, it is a unique and viable design medium.

3. The cogent application of human- and humanity-centred approaches can improve the design of work.

Work Design Aspirational Statement

We recognise that WORK is a design medium that impacts on people’s safety, health, and performance. A well-designed work system can achieve remarkable things: sustainability, resilience, innovation, learning, growth, health, & wellbeing. In our commitment to Good Work Design, we consider our people as valuable service design partners. They contribute to our understanding of the variable and authentic nature of their work. We invite their ideation and involve them in crafting and (re)design of work. We relentlessly identify who is most vulnerable in our workforce and these discoveries shape our decisions on resource allocation. We design for diversity to enact our inclusivity goals. We value the integration of human factors and systems analysis in the design of work. We understand that human performance, safety, and health are emergent properties of complex systems, and we appreciate the varying environmental, physical, and psychosocial conditions of work. 

We assign custodians of design strategy to continually evaluate the impact of work on workers (our service design partners), maintainers, and supply chain partners. We consider this a live, dynamic, and ever-changing phenomenon to prompt ongoing design improvements. We owe it to our people to consider their experiences and to view team members and supply chain partners as our internal customers; their needs and experiences are as important as our external customers. We recognise that there are many layers of design strategy that may be employed, and we invest in those aspects that are most impactful and enduring. We appreciate that design trials may be clumsy and messy, and we tolerate experimentation. 
We appreciate the affordances and efficiencies of new technologies. We commit to trialling contemporary technology that meets challenges and resolves problems to enhance performance. We will evaluate these systems in a prudent way. We aspire to enable effective transformation through technology adoption. We will detect the trade-offs that come with new technologies. We will design agile work systems to appreciate human interactions and system sustainability – the right balance of reliability and resilience.
We encourage the submission of new and divergent thought, and we have the skills to evaluate new ideas. We dedicate ourselves to learning about what props good work and what erodes performance, how to detect these states, and how to regulate these systems. Importantly, we curate design partnerships with many conventional designers, and we cultivate design thinking in our organisation – it is embedded in all layers of our literature and messaging, and it influences our collective thought and our activities. We are intentional work designers.

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