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Post-occupancy control room design review






In the rail industry, dedicated network controllers ensure the seamless operation of trains in real time. These controllers play a crucial role in coordinating communication to troubleshooting issues and maintaining the safety and efficiency of the rail network, permitting operators to serve the people and businesses that rely on their daily services.


Control room operators in control centre and security rooms rely heavily on visual displays, with multiple screens at individual workstations and a large wall display to view the entire network. Optimal visual conditions are essential for maintaining high performance. A rail control room centre project manager requested post-occupancy review of their new wall display design to evaluate improvements to worker performance and wellbeing.


A ViVA human factors and ergonomics senior advisor attended the site to observe and interview the network controllers operating in the control room, measuring ambient and focal lighting illuminance, and worker responses to lighting, glare, and thermal conditions. This was contrasted with the rail operator’s baseline environmental exposures. ViVA also reviewed exposure standards and ergonomic design principles for lighting, glare, and thermal environments.


ViVA provided the verification report on work design improvements, with their new matte screens significantly reducing reflective glare, and improving clarity, contrast, and colour rendering without increasing ambient heat. ViVA recommended further work re-design changes to enhance these improvements, including illumination adjustments, repositioning of ceiling luminaires, and monitor repositioning to optimise visual comfort and effective viewing angles so that controllers could better detect important data.