07 3040 5790     info@vivahealthgroup.com.au


Katre Bailey

BA of Design & Communications
Design Coordination: Graphic & Web Design
Since 2020, Katre has been an integral part of ViVA Health at work, playing a crucial role in establishing ViVA’s brand as it stands today, as well as translating the organisation’s dedication to workplace health into visually compelling designs. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of design principles, Katre ensures that ViVA’s initiatives effectively communicate their message and captivate audiences with engaging and consistent visuals.

Throughout her career, Katre has collaborated with a diverse array of businesses, ranging from start-ups to large organisations, locally, and nationally. Her passion and versatile skill set in graphic design, web development, marketing, and photography uniquely position her to provide clients with a comprehensive creative service.

In addition to her contributions to ViVA, Katre is the owner of 45 Degrees Creative Studio on the Sunshine Coast. Serving as a hub for innovative and strategic design thinking, the studio specialises in delivering customised solutions to clients seeking a distinctive and impactful visual presence. Read more about 45 Degrees Creative Studio.