07 3040 5790     info@vivahealthgroup.com.au


Gayle Snyders

B.Sc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Strategic Initiatives: Transformative Work & Health Design
Gayle Snyders brings a wealth of expertise to ViVA and our clients with 15 years of experience in healthcare leadership. Her leadership experience, coupled with her exposure to high-performance settings, equips her with the skills needed to navigate complex challenges. Her knowledge and skills have been instrumental to foster impactful solutions in technology adoption, instructional design, navigating effective transformation during organisational change, and fostering creativity and innovation.
Gayle is dedicated to helping organisations cultivate their strategies that support team health and well-being. She has been a champion of the Positive Medicine movement. Gayle’s expertise, dedication, and commitment to effective project management can be mobilised to promote a culture of health and vitality in the workplace.