A government organisation required assistance for pre- and post-occupancy fit-out through their design teams. ViVA health at work partnered with project management and interior design teams to provide the specialised office workstation ergonomics advisory services and training. Documentation was reviewed about employees who had been issued special-use equipment for review prior to the fit-out to new premises. Onsite consultation, investigations, and training were undertaken to assist with change management. Services were provided at several locations across Australia.
A strategy was developed to evaluate workers with specialised, prescribed equipment with trials of sample fit-out workstation equipment. 1:1 office workstation screenings were undertaken, and focus group trials of new fit-out workstation devices were facilitated. Also, meetings were held with the supplier of office furnishings and advice was given about the peripheral equipment, like monitor arm selection and use.
Site visits were attended with face-to-face training delivered pre- and post-occupancy. Custom ergonomics and equipment-interface video education were developed for the new fit-out workstation equipment (chairs, desks, and peripheral devices for monitor viewing and data input).
More than 70% of specialised prescribed equipment could be replaced adequately by the proposed new fit-out workstation equipment. Over 300 workers were seen to help them prepare for and, later, adjust to the new workstation equipment, while learning about custom set-up to suit their productivity and health needs. The feedback was positive from the 1:1 advisory service and training delivery. The video education was linked with the organisation’s learning management system to provide ongoing support to workers.